Monday, June 6, 2011

Easton Stealth S7 Ice Hockey Helmet Combo

Easton Stealth S7 Ice Hockey Helmet Combo
Easton Stealth S7 Ice Hockey Helmet Combo. The Easton® Stealth S7 ice hockey helmet features a single-density vinyl nitrile liner, which provides a comfortable fit in a low-profile shell. This versatile piece of protective equipment allows you to easily adjust the length as well as earpiece height.

  1. Single-density vinyl nitrile liner provides a comfortable fit in a low-profile shell
  2. Single-screw size adjustment allows quick length adjustments
  3. Earpieces can be easily adjusted to your preferred height
  4. Vent size and location offers an aggressive look and optimal airflow through a stylish honeycomb design
  5. CSA/HECC/CE certified


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